Anyway, I've been meaning for a very, very long time to keep a daily journal, but I just never got around to it. Until last week. At 3:12 AM on Friday, June 12, 2009, I began writing in my journal. And I can already tell that this thing is going to be a huge part of my life.
I love to write. And I love to give my honest opinions. Sometimes, however, I have to keep my opinions to myself. But not with my journal.
It's also good because there are some things about me that only God and I know. But it's always therapeutic, at least for me, to get some personal issues off my chest. And writing it down is often the best way for me to get this stuff out. And my journal will listen to whatever I have to say, and it won't criticize me or judge me at all. It won't really give me any good advice, though, but oh well.
The other thing I like about this is how I'll be able to look back and see how my thoughts and actions have changed over time. I don't really have that ability yet; I just started last week. But in a year or two, or five, or ten? When I'm 30, looking back at how I thought as a 20-year-old is probably going to blow my mind.
Yeah... I really can't wait to write in my journal tonight.
1 comment:
Have fun...they're very interesting to look back on, I'm working on my 8th one right now, haha. And I find they make figuring out solutions to problems a lot easier.
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