Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Am I the only Black college student that hates "College Hill"?

I really hope not.

In fact, I would rather be the only Black college student that actually likes "College Hill," because that would mean that my peers wouldn't enjoy watching this nonsense.

For those of you who aren't familiar with "College Hill," it's basically BET's version of "The Real World." Eight college students are forced to live with one another under one roof, and their day-to-day drama is the main focus of the show. In BET's description of this season, they write, "Pulling no punches, the new cast members clash almost immediately within minutes of meeting one another."

Black people fighting each other, in order to get good TV ratings. Excellent concept.

Usually, shows like this annoy me, but they don't push me over the edge. That is, until I recently saw an episode of this season's "College Hill," in which Kyle, one of the main characters, refers to Kathryn, one of the other housemates, as a "slave."

Yes. He really called her a slave.

Curious as to why? Here's the play-by-play:
  1. Kyle cooked some ribs.
  2. Kathryn ate the ribs... without telling Kyle.
  3. Kyle got upset.
  4. Kathryn gave Kyle the money for the ribs.
  5. Kyle told Kathryn to put the money in the microwave, where the ribs had been.
  6. Kathryn placed the money in the microwave, and then started the microwave.
  7. Kyle and Kathryn continued to argue.
  8. Kyle called Kathryn a "slave a** b****."
Black people can refer to one another as slaves now? Ahh... it's great to live in a post-racial America.

I know, I know. I should contact BET and tell them exactly how I feel about the show, and demand that they take the show off the air. But, realistically (and I hate to sound so pessimistic), as long as people continue to watch it, one letter isn't going to change anything.

But it's bigger than just this one show. I don't want to sound like I'm preaching, but Black people have to stop beating up one another, just to try to get ahead, or to get noticed or recognized. Sure, the TV ratings might be good, and the cast members might find good jobs after the show because of their increased popularity. But what impact is this show, along with other shows like it, having on our society?

It's not a good impact. That's for sure.

Oh well. Just another reason why I despise BET...

Black Evil Television.


RB said...

I don't like College Hill. Shouldn't one of them be going to jail for microwaving American currency? On film?

D. Hudson said...

LOL that's a good point... I was pretty sure it was a federal offense to destroy American currency, but apparently I'm wrong...

Nersh™ said...

Now, I don't know if I have enough expertise on the subject because I have only seen two episodes (including the one you discussed here), but I can say that the aformentioned episodes have made me NEVER want to see any more. This could also be because I think reality TV in general is lame..but the cast of College Hill takes that lameness to another level. Besides switching sexualities every two seconds and worrying about (fake) hair getting ruined by rain, is there anything to the show?

It's all really devastating to see these people in OUR generation, doing nothing with their lives but bickering and playing into essential "Coon" stereotypes. Can't they actually, uh, go to college?