Saturday, July 26, 2008

Exciting Phone Call...

First off... my sincerest apologies for not having posted to my blog in FOUR weeks. My job has just been very hectic, and I really haven't had time to do a lot outside of work. Actually, that's really just an excuse for the lack of interesting things going on with me this summer. But, that's about to change...

This past Tuesday, I received a phone call from someone at Sony Pictures Studios, who gave me some very exciting news: I'm going to be on Jeopardy! (And, no... the call wasn't a prank, or Punk'd, or Candid Camera, or anything like that... it was 100% real!) For those of you who don't know, I was a Jeopardy! contestant during their Back to School Week in October 2000. Just so happens, they want to have a "reunion" week, featuring past B2S contestants, and they picked me as one of them. August 10th (which, coincidentally, is my dad's birthday) is the day I'll fly out to Los Angeles for the show's taping.

I'm not gonna lie... I'm nervous. God definitely helped me out the last time around, with a come-from-behind win that hung completely on the Final Jeopardy! answer. If either one of the other contestants had gotten it right... no win for me. And, most likely, no second trip to L.A. in a couple of weeks. But, thanks to the fact that my co-contestants didn't know that the guy who turned 18 on June 21, 2000, who also happened to have a little brother named Harry and a dog named Widgeon, was none other than Prince William... I came in first place. (If you're wondering what in the world I'm talking about, fast forward to the last couple of minutes of this video.)

But like I was saying... I'm nervous!! I'm very competitive, and I hate to lose at anything... especially on a nationally-televised game show. But I can't really study for it, unless I want to try memorizing the entire Encyclopædia Brittanica in two weeks. And that's not gonna happen. So, I guess I should just look forward to the trip, and enjoy every minute of it, win or lose. After all, none of my other friends have ever been on Jeopardy!, and I'll have been on there twice. That's something to brag about, right?

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